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addCustomAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Add a ned custom attributes to this unisens entry.
addCustomAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Add a ned custom attributes to this unisens dataset.
addEntry(Entry) - Method in interface org.unisens.Group
Adds an Entry to this Group.
addEntry(Entry, boolean) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Add an existing Entry to this unisens dataset.
addGroup(Group, boolean) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Add an existing Group and its Entries to this unisens dataset.
AnnotationEntry - Interface in org.unisens
AnnotationEntry is the superclass of EventEntry and SignalEntry and defines the common methods.
append(Event) - Method in interface org.unisens.EventEntry
Appends an Event to this EventEntry
append(List<Event>) - Method in interface org.unisens.EventEntry
Appends a List of Events to this EventEntry
append(Object) - Method in interface org.unisens.SignalEntry
Appends rows of data at the end of this SignalEntry.
append(Value) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
Appends a Value object to this ValueEntry.
append(Value[]) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
Appends an Array of Values object to this ValueEntry
appendValuesList(ValueList) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
Appends the Values contained in a ValuesList object to this ValueEntry


BinFileFormat - Interface in org.unisens
BinFileFormat is used to define that a binary representation of Entry data is used as file format.


clone() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
clone() - Method in interface org.unisens.FileFormat
close() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Closes the data file associated with this Entry
closeAll() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Closes all open Entries contained in this unisens dataset
Context - Interface in org.unisens
The Context of a unisens dataset can contain additional information about the dataset.
createBinFileFormat() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Creates a new BinFileFormat object.
createBinFileFormat() - Method in interface org.unisens.UnisensFactory
moved to Entry
createContext(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Creates a context information to this uniens dataset.
createCsvFileFormat() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Creates a new CsvFileFormat object.
createCsvFileFormat() - Method in interface org.unisens.UnisensFactory
moved to Entry
createCustomEntry(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Creates a new CumstomEntry in this unisens dataset.
createCustomFileFormat(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Creates a new CustomFileFormat object.
createCustomFileFormat(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.UnisensFactory
moved to Entry
createEventEntry(String, double) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Creates a new EventEntry in this unisens dataset.
createFactory() - Static method in class org.unisens.UnisensFactoryBuilder
Creates a UnisensFactory from the standard implementation.
createFactory(String) - Static method in class org.unisens.UnisensFactoryBuilder
Creates a UnisensFactory specified by a given UnisensFactory class name.
createGroup(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Creates a new Group in this unisens dataset.
createSignalEntry(String, String[], DataType, double) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Creates a new SignalEntry in this unisens dataset.
createUnisens(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.UnisensFactory
Creates a new Unisens object.
createValuesEntry(String, String[], DataType, double) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Creates a new ValuesEntry in this unisens dataset.
createXmlFileFormat() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Creates a new XmlFileFormat object.
createXmlFileFormat() - Method in interface org.unisens.UnisensFactory
moved to Entry
CsvFileFormat - Interface in org.unisens
CsvFileFormat is used to define that a caracter separeted value representation of Entry data is used as file format.
CustomEntry - Interface in org.unisens
CustomEntry can be used to describe a data file in a unisens dataset that is not specified in the unisens specification.
CustomFileFormat - Interface in org.unisens
CustomFileFormat is used to define that a custom file format is used, that is not specified in the unisens specification.


DataType - Enum in org.unisens
Enumeration of all data types that can be used in the unsiens file format.
deleteContext() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Removes the context information from this unisens dataset.
deleteEntry(Entry) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Delete an Entry from this unisens dataset
deleteGroup(Group) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Deletes a Group from this unisens dataset.
DuplicateIdException - Exception in org.unisens
This exception is thrown when a new Entry or Group is created with an id that already exists in the unisens dataset.
DuplicateIdException(String) - Constructor for exception org.unisens.DuplicateIdException


empty() - Method in interface org.unisens.AnnotationEntry
Deletes all Events from the data file.
Endianess - Enum in org.unisens
Enumeration to describe the Endianess of a binary file format.
Entry - Interface in org.unisens
An Entry is a structural unit of a unisens dataset.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.unisens.Event
equals(Object) - Method in class org.unisens.Value
equals(Object) - Method in class org.unisens.ValueList
Event - Class in org.unisens
An Event happens at a cetain point in time and be of a certain type.
Event(long, String, String) - Constructor for class org.unisens.Event
Event Contructor
EventEntry - Interface in org.unisens
EventEntry represents an Entry containing a list of Events.


FileFormat - Interface in org.unisens
FileFormat is used to define which representation of Entry data is used as file format.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum org.unisens.DataType
This method gives a DataType enum object that correspod to a given datatype name
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum org.unisens.Endianess
This method gives a Endianess enum object that correspod to a given endianess name.


getAdcResolution() - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Gets the resolution in bits of the ADC used to acquire the data contained in this Entry
getAdcZero() - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Gets the output given by the ADC, when the input falls exactly at the center of the ADC range.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.CustomEntry
Gets the value of an attribute by its name
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.unisens.CustomEntry
Gets all attributes as a HashMap
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.unisens.CustomFileFormat
Gets the attributes of this file format
getBaseline() - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Gets the value of ADC output that would map to 0 physical units input.
getChannelCount() - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Gets the number of channels in this Entry
getChannelNames() - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Gets the names of all channels as Array of String
getComment() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Gets the comment of this Entry.
getComment() - Method in class org.unisens.Event
Gets the comment of this Event
getComment() - Method in interface org.unisens.FileFormat
Gets the comment for this file format.
getComment() - Method in interface org.unisens.Group
Gets the comment for this Group
getComment() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Gets the comment of this Unisens object.
getCommentLength() - Method in interface org.unisens.AnnotationEntry
Gets the comment length of this EventEntry.
getContentClass() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Gets an identifier of the content class of the data contained in this Entry.
getContext() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Gets the Context of this unisens dataset.
getCount() - Method in interface org.unisens.TimedEntry
Return the number of items or rows in this Entry.
getCustomAttributes() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Returns the custom attributes of this unisens entry.
getCustomAttributes() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Returns the custom attributes of this unisens dataset.
getData() - Method in class org.unisens.Value
Gets the data of this Value as object [channelCount].
getData() - Method in class org.unisens.ValueList
Gets the rows of data of this ValueList as object [length][channelCount]
getDataType() - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Gets the DataType of the data contained in this Entry
getDecimalSeparator() - Method in interface org.unisens.CsvFileFormat
Gets the decimal separator character used in the csv format.
getDuration() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Gets the duration of this dataset in seconds.
getEndianess() - Method in interface org.unisens.BinFileFormat
Gets the Endianess of this BinFileFormat.
getEntries() - Method in interface org.unisens.Group
Gets all Entries of this Group.
getEntries() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Returns a List of all Entries contained in this unisens dataset.
getEntry(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Returns the Entry identified by its id.
getFileFormat() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Gets the file format that is used to represet this Entry in the associated data file
getFileFormatName() - Method in interface org.unisens.FileFormat
Gets the name of this file format as String.
getGroup(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Returns the Group identified by its id.
getGroups() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Returns a List of alls Groups contained in this unisens dataset.
getId() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Gets the id of this Entry.
getId() - Method in interface org.unisens.Group
Gets the id of this group.
getLsbValue() - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Gets the equivalent value of the physical variable represented by the least significant bit of the ADC used to acquire the data contained in this Entry
getMeasurementId() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Gets the id of this unisens dataset.
getName() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Gets the name of this Entry.
getPath() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Returns the path of the dataset represented by this Unisens object.
getSampleRate() - Method in interface org.unisens.TimedEntry
Gets the sample rate of this Entry in samples per second.
getSampleStamp() - Method in class org.unisens.Event
Gets the sample stamp of this Event.
getSamplestamp() - Method in class org.unisens.Event
use getSampleStamp
getSamplestamp() - Method in class org.unisens.Value
use getSampleStamp
getSampleStamp() - Method in class org.unisens.Value
Gets the sample stamp of this Value.
getSamplestamps() - Method in class org.unisens.ValueList
Gets the samplestamps of this list of values.
getSchemaUrl() - Method in interface org.unisens.Context
Gets the URL of the xml schema describung the structure of the context.xml file
getSeparator() - Method in interface org.unisens.CsvFileFormat
Gets the separator character used in the csv format.
getSource() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Gets the source of this Entry.
getSourceId() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Gets the source id of this Entry.
getTimestampStart() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Gets the timestamp of the start of the data acquisition
getType() - Method in class org.unisens.Event
Gets the the type of this Event.
getTypeLength() - Method in interface org.unisens.AnnotationEntry
Gets the type length of this EventEntry.
getUnisens() - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Gets the unisens object which contains this Entry
getUnisensParseExceptionType() - Method in exception org.unisens.UnisensParseException
getUnit() - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Gets the string that specifies the physical unit of the acquired variable(s)
getVersion() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Returns the version of the XML-Schema used in the unisens.xml file
Group - Interface in org.unisens
A Group can be used to semantically group related Entries.


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.unisens.Version
MeasurementEntry - Interface in org.unisens
MeasurementEntry is the superclass of SignalEntry and ValuesEntry and defines the common methods.


org.unisens - package org.unisens


read(long, int) - Method in interface org.unisens.EventEntry
Reads Events from a data file beginning at a given postion
read(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.EventEntry
Reads Events from a data file beginning at the current position of the file pointer
read(long, int) - Method in interface org.unisens.SignalEntry
Reads rows of data from a data file beginning at a given position.
read(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.SignalEntry
Reads data from a data file beginning at the current position of the file pointer.
read(long, int) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
Reads from the data file beginning at a given postion and presents the data as Array of Value
read(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
Reads from the data file beginning at the current postion of the file pointer and presents the data as Array of Value
readScaled(long, int) - Method in interface org.unisens.SignalEntry
Reads data from a data file beginning at a given position.
readScaled(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.SignalEntry
Reads data from a data file beginning at the current position of the file pointer.
readScaled(long, int) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
readScaled(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
readValuesList(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
Reads from the data file beginning at the current position of the file pointer and presents the data as a ValuesList object.
readValuesList(long, int) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
Reads from the data file beginning at a given position and presents the data as a ValuesList object.
readValuesListScaled(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
Reads from the data file beginning at the current position of the file pointer and presents the data as a ValuesList object.
readValuesListScaled(long, int) - Method in interface org.unisens.ValuesEntry
Reads from the data file beginning at a given position and presents the data as a ValuesList object.
removeEntry(Entry) - Method in interface org.unisens.Group
Removes an Entry from this Group
rename(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Rename this Entry.
resetPos() - Method in interface org.unisens.TimedEntry
Reset the file pointer of this Entry.


save() - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Saves this unisens dataset.
setAdcProperties(int, int, int, double) - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Sets the properties of the ADC used to acquire the data contained in this Entry.
setAdcResolution(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Sets the resolution in bits of the ADC used to acquire the data contained in this Entry.
setAdcZero(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Sets the output given by the ADC, when the input falls exactly at the center of the ADC range.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface org.unisens.CustomEntry
Sets a new attriubte and its values
setBaseline(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Sets the value of ADC output that would map to 0 physical units input.
setChannelNames(String[]) - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Sets the names of the channels in this Entry.
setComment(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Sets the comment of this Entry.
setComment(String) - Method in class org.unisens.Event
Sets the comment for this Event.
setComment(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.FileFormat
Sets the comment for this file format.
setComment(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Group
Sets this comment for this Group
setComment(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Sets the comment of this Unisens object.
setCommentLength(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.AnnotationEntry
Sets the comment length of this EventEntry.
setContentClass(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Sets the content class of the data contained in this Entry.
setData(Object) - Method in class org.unisens.Value
Sets the data of this Values.
setData(Object) - Method in class org.unisens.ValueList
Sets the rows of data of this ValueList as object [length][channelCount]
setDataType(DataType) - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Sets the DataType of the data contained in this Entry
setDecimalSeparator(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.CsvFileFormat
Sets the decimal separator character used in the csv format.
setDuration(double) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Sets the duration of this dataset in seconds.
setDuration(long) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
use double parameter instead of long
setEndianess(Endianess) - Method in interface org.unisens.BinFileFormat
Sets the Endianess of this BinFileFormat.
setFileFormat(FileFormat) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Sets the file format that is used to represet this Entry in the associated data file
setId(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Group
Sets the id of this group.
setLsbValue(double) - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Sets the equivalent value of the physical variable represented by the least significant bit of the ADC used to acquire the data contained in this Entry
setMeasurementId(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Gets the id of this unisens dataset.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Sets the name of this Entry.
setSampleRate(double) - Method in interface org.unisens.TimedEntry
Sets the sample rate of this Entry in samples per second.
setSampleStamp(long) - Method in class org.unisens.Event
Sets the sample stamp of this Event.
setSamplestamp(long) - Method in class org.unisens.Event
use setSampleStamp
setSamplestamp(long) - Method in class org.unisens.Value
use setSampleStamp
setSampleStamp(long) - Method in class org.unisens.Value
Sets the sample stamp to this Value
setSamplestamps(long[]) - Method in class org.unisens.ValueList
Sets the samplestamps of this list of values
setSchemaUrl(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Context
Sets the URL of the xml schema describung the structure of the context.xml file
setSeparator(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.CsvFileFormat
Sets the separator character used in the csv format.
setSource(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Sets the source of this Entry.
setSourceId(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Sets the source id of this Entry.
setTimestampStart(Date) - Method in interface org.unisens.Unisens
Sets the timestamp of the start of the data acquisition
setType(String) - Method in class org.unisens.Event
Sets the the type of this Event.
setTypeLength(int) - Method in interface org.unisens.AnnotationEntry
Sets the type length of this EventEntry.
setUnisens(Unisens) - Method in interface org.unisens.Entry
Set the unisens object which contains this Entry
setUnit(String) - Method in interface org.unisens.MeasurementEntry
Sets the string that specifies the physical unit of the acquired variable(s)
SignalEntry - Interface in org.unisens
A SignalEntry represents continuously sampled data with a fixed sample rate.


TimedEntry - Interface in org.unisens
TimedEntry is the superclass of MeasurementEntry and EventEntry and defines their common methods.
trim(int, int) - Method in class org.unisens.Event
Truncate comments and types when necessary


Unisens - Interface in org.unisens
Unisens is the basic interface to a unisens dataset.
UnisensFactory - Interface in org.unisens
UnisensFactory is used to create all Objects of a unisens implementation, that have to be created directly (i.e not by a Unisens object).
UnisensFactoryBuilder - Class in org.unisens
UnisensFactoryBuilder creates a UnisensFactory of the used unisens implementation.
UnisensFactoryBuilder() - Constructor for class org.unisens.UnisensFactoryBuilder
UnisensParseException - Exception in org.unisens
UnisensParseException represents specific Exceptions that may occur while parsing the unisens.xml file of a unisens DataSet.
UnisensParseException(UnisensParseExceptionTypeEnum) - Constructor for exception org.unisens.UnisensParseException
UnisensParseException represents specific Exceptions that may occur while parsing the unisens.xml file of a unisens DataSet.
UnisensParseException(String, UnisensParseExceptionTypeEnum) - Constructor for exception org.unisens.UnisensParseException
UnisensParseException represents specific Exceptions that may occur while parsing the unisens.xml file of a unisens DataSet.
UnisensParseExceptionTypeEnum - Enum in org.unisens
UnisensParseExceptionTypeEnum is an enum of UnisensParseException types that can occur while parsing an unisens.xml file.


value() - Method in enum org.unisens.DataType
This method gives the representation of a datatype enum object as string.
value() - Method in enum org.unisens.Endianess
Gets the value ???
Value - Class in org.unisens
Value represent data values acquired at a certain point in time.
Value(long, Object) - Constructor for class org.unisens.Value
ValueList - Class in org.unisens
ValueList is a set of Values that can be accessed as Array of samplestamps and object [length][channelCount].
ValueList() - Constructor for class org.unisens.ValueList
ValueList(long[], Object) - Constructor for class org.unisens.ValueList
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.unisens.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.unisens.Endianess
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.unisens.UnisensParseExceptionTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.unisens.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.unisens.Endianess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.unisens.UnisensParseExceptionTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValuesEntry - Interface in org.unisens
A ValuesEntry represents data acquired at certain points in time.
Version - Class in org.unisens
Version() - Constructor for class org.unisens.Version


XmlFileFormat - Interface in org.unisens
XmlFileFormat is used to define that a XML representation of Entry data is used as file format.
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